(Answered) HN144 Unit 9 Discussion Aging and Environmental Influences

HN144 Unit 9 Discussion Aging and Environmental Influences

Aging and Environmental Influences

Due to continual medical research and interventions life expectancy has continued to increase in the United States thus allowing many individuals to live longer than those in previous generations. While longevity of life is important, there are many environmental influences that can impact how people respond to getting older and the overall status of their health.

Please respond to the following:

  • Identify the three subcategories of later adulthood as reviewed in your text and provide at least three characteristics that are associated with each one.
  • Discuss two health practices you would suggest to promote longevity of life in later adulthood.
  • Describe three ways that a human service provider can provide assistance to a client who is dealing with end of life considerations

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HN144 Unit 9 Discussion Aging and Environmental Influences

The three subcategories of later adulthood are young-old (65-74), middle old (75-84), and old (85+). During young old, they remain active in the community and keep strong ties with family and friends. Some of them may still be employed part-time or full-time due to financial reasons. They also maintain their ability to cope and use their talents productively. Chronic diseases may begin at the Middle old stage. This can include arthritis, cardiovascular, respiratory, and circulatory. They also begin to experience loss of balance which can affect driving and walking. This group is more diverse than the young-old group. A large number of this group is dependent, frail, and experiencing more disabilities and chronic illnesses. Their mobility can be limited as well. A third characteristic associated with this group is social isolation. Most women in this group outlive men in this group…………..

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