(Answered) HN144 Unit 2 Assignment Multidimensional Perspective 

HN144 Unit 2 Assignment Multidimensional Perspective 

Multidimensional Perspective 

The multidimensional perspective is a theory that considers three basic dimensions of assessing human behavior and the social environment: biological, psychological, and social. Together they are referred to as the biopsychosocial theory or multidimensional perspective. This theory includes multiple systems that are organized in a hierarchy of levels from the smallest (cellular) to the largest (social). These systems are in a constant state of interaction with each other and influence human behavior.

Assignment Directions

In this assignment, you will have the option of reviewing one of two case studies: “Case A: Mrs. Morgan” or “Case B: El Centro” (located in your text on pages 41-43). After reviewing one of these case studies, use the Unit 2 Assignment Template to incorporate the biopsychosocial perspective in relation to the 4P’s of case formulation: Predisposing, Precipitating, Perpetuating and Protective.

Please respond to the following:

  • List a risk factor and a protective factor (strength) in each of the biopsychosocial perspectives in relation to the 4P’s of case formulation.
    • A sample case study and completed template can be found on pages 63-66 of the textbook.
  • Select two risk factors within each of the three biopsychosocial perspectives. Provide a brief discussion (2-3 paragraphs) of how a human services professional can assist the client to change all six risk factors to protective factors (strengths).

HN144 Unit 2 Assignment Multidimensional Perspective  Answer

Biological Perspectives pertain to the human makeup and genetic backgrounds of your client.  With these two risk factors, a Human Services Professional (HSP) can use the process of observing and assessing interactions and behaviors in order to eliminate possible triggers related to depression.  It is also important to research the background of the family’s health issues. This can help determine if any further health counseling is needed to ensure the high blood pressure doesn’t skyrocket. ………………

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