(Answered) CE215 Unit 7 Discussion Benefits and Challenges of Child-Centered and Educator-Centered Environments

CE215 Unit 7 Discussion Benefits and Challenges of Child-Centered and Educator-Centered Environments

CE215 Unit 7 Discussion Benefits and Challenges of Child-Centered and Educator-Centered Environments

CE215 Unit 7 Discussion Benefits and Challenges of Child Throughout this course, many opportunities are available to post an initial response to a Discussion topic as well as to respond to your classmates’ responses. After you have completed the reading, and without reviewing your classmates’ responses, post your initial response to the following Discussion. Your post should be at least 200 words in length and should extend the discussion of the group supported by your course materials and/or other appropriate resources. After you have submitted your initial post, review some of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of your classmates. Refer to your Discussion Board Rubric in your Syllabus for specific grading explanation.

Benefits and Challenges of Child-Centered and Educator-Centered Environments

Throughout the course, your readings have provided you with information on the work of Lev Vygotsky, Jean Piaget, Maria Montessori, and John Dewey. Consider each of their approaches and theories to learning.

Please respond to the following:

  • Describe, as you would to new parents entering your preschool, the early childhood setting with high educator control and high child freedom.

  • Identify two reasons each of these settings are beneficial to children

CE215 Unit 7 Discussion Benefits and Challenges of Child-Centered and Educator-Centered Environments Answer 

As a new parent entering the preschool world I would be looking for different things inside the classroom setting. There are various different school methods we have discussed throughout the course and I think if I was to look at one I would be looking for a place that had more child freedom than high educator control. “learning is an interactive and constructive activity, and both society and individuals play essential roles in learning, (Tzuo P.,2007).”…………..

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