(Answered) CS204 Unit 7 Discussion

CS204 Unit 7 Discussion

All of the information that is available on the internet about you can be used to help form or destroy your professional presence. It may be something that you have entered yourself or a friend or family member has posted on a social networking website. Even pictures can damage your professional presence if not closely monitored. Are you aware of all of the information that is “out there” about you?

Please respond to the Discussion below. Your posts should be in the 100–150-word range and your responses in the 75–100-word range. Respond to at least two of your classmates with meaningful comments. Support from unit materials or outside research should be included. Check out the Discussion topic grading rubric in the Course Resources area for information about how you will earn your grade for the Discussion.

Discuss at least two ways that you can help to control what information is readily available about you to anyone, including employers on the internet. How will using the two ways you identified help you to maintain your professional presence online?

CS204 Unit 7 Discussion Answer

Today, most of us use some type of social media platform in our professional life, and it is very important that we are able to control what kinds of information is shared about us. Most, if not all, types of jobs, and even colleges will be looking at your online presence to help them deice if you are a good fit for them, and one of the ways that you can try to control the information about you that is available to anyone is by making your accounts private……..

CS204 Professionalism – Theory and Practice

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