(Answered) CS204 Unit 1 Discussion

CS204 Unit 1 Discussion 

Professionalism is a continuous process throughout your career. The workplace continues to evolve and change depending on many factors. Therefore, professional behavior and requirements that were in place in the past may not be required or they may change in the future. When you can better understand your own needs as a professional, you can better focus on the areas to improve.

Throughout this course, you will have the opportunity to discuss what you are learning with your classmates through participating in the Discussion and Seminars. In these discussions, you will represent your ideas and respond to others’ opinions and comments in a professional manner.

Please respond to the Discussion below. Your posts should be in the 100-150-word range and your responses in the 75-100-word range. Respond to at least two of your classmates with meaningful comments. Support from unit materials or outside research should be included. Check out the Discussion topic grading rubric in the Course Resources area for information about how you will earn your grade for the Discussion.

Using the Self-Assessment Survey outcomes, you received from the Self-Assessment Learning Activity, respond to the following areas in your Discussion prompt: include your survey score and determine two areas that you feel you should work on during this course. What are these two areas? How will these areas be important to your profession? Comment on how you might use this information to develop your professional presence.

When you respond to other students, if possible, choose one classmate who may have different scores than you and one that has similar scores to you.

CS204 Unit 1 Discussion Answer

After the survey, it is interesting to identify that there are aspect areas of my life that I thought I am good at but the survey in a way exposed my weaknesses as equal to my strengths. For example, I feel it is inappropriate in all levels to use informal language at work, but to my surprise, the survey indicated that I needed an improvement, and I do understand that sometimes using informal language is necessary for to better get the message across to my audience, but I still feel that it is not the best way to communicate in workplace environment……..

CS204 Professionalism – Theory and Practice

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