(Answered) SS238 Unit 10 Discussion

SS238 Unit 10 Discussion

Unit 10 Discussion


Up, up, and away!
–Clark Kent

During this course, you and your fellow students have written quite a bit of academic content pertaining to citizen-driven public policy. You explored the intersection of public policy and citizen engagement from civics, historical, and sociological perspectives, which enabled you to understand, analyze, and evaluate how effective, the civic agency can help improve the quality of life for your fellow citizens and country.

So, in your last (non-graded) Discussion let us switch from academic to practical.

Directions: Please respond to one of the three questions.

-Are you planning on becoming more engaged? If so, how?

-As a result of the course, are you now registered to vote?

-What is your main “takeaway” from this course?

SS238 Unit 10 Discussion Answer

What is your main “takeaway” from this course?

I’ve been registered to vote for only about a year and a half now and have only voted once but have also never gotten involved in anything political or otherwise in my area.

SS238 Engagement Civil and Citizen Driven Public Policy

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