(Answered) SS238 Unit 2 Discussion

SS238 Unit 2 Discussion

Topic: Civics, Citizens, and Public Policy

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
— Emma Lazarus

Every year hundreds of thousands of immigrants become citizens of the United States. One of the requirements for naturalization (obtaining citizenship) is the Naturalization Test. Immigrants are provided a Naturalization Test Study Guide to which ten questions at random are asked during the examination. In order to pass the test immigrant seeking citizenship must answer six out of ten questions correctly.

As you know, American citizens do not have to pass any such citizenship test in order to partake in this great republic. Unfortunately, many Americans are not conversant about the basic functions of their own governmental institutions. According to the Annenberg Public Policy Center, only one out of four citizens can name the three branches – Legislative, Executive, and Judicial — of the U.S. government. Nearly one out of three citizens could not name any branches of the U.S. government (Annenberg, 2016).

Additionally, according to the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, “Only one in three Americans (36 percent) can actually pass a multiple-choice test consisting of items taken from the U.S. Citizenship Test” (WWNFF, 2018).

Directions: Using the required, academic readings and the U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services Practice Test, please address the following while adhering to the Discussion Board Rubric:

  • Take the U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services practice test.
  • What content would you include within the U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services practice test that could help citizens understand their role in public policy?
  • How does an understanding of U.S. civics help citizens vote and engage in public policy?



Research and engagement that matter. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.annenbergpublicpolicycenter.org/

Riccards, P. (2018, October 3). Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation | National Survey Finds Just 1 in 3 Americans Would Pass Citizenship Test. Retrieved from https://woodrow.org/news/national-survey-finds-just-1-in-3-americans-would-pass-citizenship-test/

SS238 Unit 2 Discussion Answer

After taking the practice test, I was interested in the question about who the president during a certain war was. Something I have long forgotten since my high school history classes. I liked how some questions were asked about the branches of the government because that is something I think every U.S. citizen should know about which is our own government and how it is running. I think that helps with a basic understanding of our government and how it works. So, I can see how that can help to understand public policy……

SS238 Engagement Civil and Citizen Driven Public Policy

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