(Answered) PS370 Unit 3 Discussion

PS370 Unit 3 Discussion

Options for Pain Treatment

Describe the nature of acute and chronic pain. Discuss existing options for treatment of pain, including at least one from each of the following categories: pharmacological treatments, alternative treatments, and faith-based or spiritual healing. What are some of the risks of pharmacological treatments for pain as it relates to the potential for developing a substance use disorder? Include information from the supplemental reading to support this discussion.

Choose one of the non-pharmacological treatment methods and compare the advantages and disadvantages of that method and use prescription pain medication.

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PS370 Unit 3 Discussion Answer

Pain is the human body’s warning system and lets one know when something is wrong. Acute pain from a minor injury usually lasts for a short period until the body can heal over time (Straub, 2019). This can result from injuries like scrapes, sprains, and broken bones. Chronic pain is long-term discomfort that can be felt continuously or interspersed; The dull, aching pain can be mild to extreme, significantly impact an individual’s quality of life, and lead to stress or many psychological disorders (Straub, 2019)……

PS370 Health Psychology

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