(Answered) PS370 Unit 1 Discussion

PS370 Unit 1 Discussion

Defining Health Psychology

Explain what is meant by “health psychology.” Be sure to include factors that distinguish health psychology from other areas of the field of psychology, such as the mind-body interaction.

Identify the models of health psychology and their role in illness and wellness.

Imagine you are a counselor and discuss how you would use health psychology to help your clients.

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PS370 Unit 1 Discussion Answer

Health Psychology is the application of psychological principles and research to the enhancement of health and the prevention and treatment of illness (Straub, 2019). Health has three parts, the first being physical, next to social, and mental. Health psychology focuses on the relationship of them all and how one can affect others. For example, health psychology studies how your class status may mean that you are more likely to have more health problems…..

PS370 Health Psychology

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