(Answered) CM220 Unit 2 Assignment

CM220 Unit 2 Assignment 

Unit 2 Assignment

We engage in persuasion every day. Whether we are posting on a social media site about the need to build sidewalks to keep our children safe when they are walking to school, emailing our boss to propose a new safety procedure, or writing an academic essay that advocates a mandatory spay/neuter program in our city, we have to consider the most appropriate audience, method of communication, and evidence to make our case.

For the Unit 2 Assignment, you will select examples of persuasive communications that you have encountered or produced yourself in personal, professional, and academic contexts. You will describe the examples and analyze what made them effective. Considering what makes persuasion work will help you to craft a strong argument for change in the upcoming units.

CM220 Unit 2 Assignment Answer

Whether we are aware or not, we use persuasive communication in our lives daily. From speaking to friends, family, managers, coworkers, and school assignments. Persuasive communication is important in our daily lives because it gives the audience to address values needs and wants…….

CM220 College Composition II

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