(Answered) CM107 Unit 4 Assignment

CM107 Unit 4 Assignment

Helping Others Through Your Words and Experience

Writing does many things, including allowing you to use the power or your own words and personal experience to help others to solve, deal with, or address a problem they are facing. Think back to when you have faced problems in your life, whether you were grieving the loss of a friend or loved one, or whether you needed help with managing your time during your first months as a college student, or you may have needed help with budgeting, for example, and how it’s quite likely you turned to others for help. They may have shared their experience and offered you suggestions for how to cope in these situations. You may have even turned to the writing of others, a self-help book, or a blog post written by someone going through the problem and sharing solutions.

Here, for example is a list of blog posts where writers use their experience to help others:

5two Education Blogs You Should Follow
The Cool Cat Teacher
Random Acts of Leadership
Leadership and Learning
50 Must-Read IT Blogs from BizTech
Iron Firemen
15 Nurse Blogs to Follow
Social Psychology Network

Now it’s your turn to be the person others turn to for help, the person whose words, in this case, your written words, console, help, and guide.

CM107 Unit 4 Assignment Answer

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