Chapter 2 The Classical School CRN#21602-202220
Chapter 2 The Classical School
Answer any two questions (10 points each):
1. Fully discuss the classical school of criminology. Include the following points: the major contributors, the assumptions about society, crime, and punishment.
2. What are the primary modifications of the classical school made by neoclassical criminology?
3. Summarize the importance of Jeremy Bentham’s economic model for classical criminology. Include a discussion of the concepts utilitarianism and the pleasure/pain principle.
Chapter 2 The Classical School CRN#21602-202220 Answer
The classical school of criminology dates back to the 18th century, during the Enlightenment Era. In this age of reason, the creation of the concept of human rights began and gained momentum. The origins of the theory are traced back to social-contract philosophers, Jeremy Bentham and Cesare Beccaria (Moyer, 2001). The latter was a true reformer of the law, directly credited for the transformation of the criminal justice system across Europe; and indirectly in North America and the rest of the world. The classical school is more centrally concerned about the crime and not the criminal. The nature of crime differs, and the classical school of criminology is bent on preventing crime, other than having to deal with criminals when they have already committed the offense………….
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