(Answered) Chapter 4 Functionalism and Anomie CRN#21602-202220

Chapter 4 Functionalism and Anomie CRN#21602-202220

Reading Assignment 4

Chapter 4 (Functionalism and Anomie)

Points Possible: 20

Deliverable Length: 3-4 pages

Due: Sunday, February 20 by 11:55pm

Answer any two questions (10 points each):

1.  Discuss Merton’s theory of anomie. Include the following: the primary cultural goal in America; the difference between cultural goals and institutionalized means for achieving them; the various adaptations; weaknesses of the theory.

2.  What is meant by Emile Durkheim’s observation that crime is normal?  Include in your answer a discussion of mechanical/organic solidarity.

3.  What is the importance of the gang for an understanding of delinquency according to Albert Cohen? In your answer, include a discussion of at least two of the following: short-run hedonism; status frustration; middle class measuring rods; gendered delinquency.

Chapter 4 Functionalism and Anomie CRN#21602-202220 Answer

While Merton published the Anomie Theory in 1938, it helped do away with the sleep theory after awakening social interests. The only publication that showed interest happened in 1954, where Merton refined the work of Durkheim’s, which was missing the social rules needed not linking the anomie to an aspect of value-medium discrepancy (Aktualisiert, 2019). While anomic conditions are common in the needs and satisfaction, they happen in the disparity between the goals and means…….

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