Chapter 5 Chicago School 1 Social Disorganization Differential Association CRN#21602-202220
Reading Assignment 5
Chapter 5 (Chicago School 1: Social Disorganization/Differential Association)
Points Possible: 20
Deliverable Length: 3-4 pages
Due: Sunday, February 27 by 11:55pm
Answer any two questions (10 points each):
1. Choose any five (5) of the following terms or theorists and define or otherwise briefly identify the significance of each:
Edwin Sutherland Frederick Thrasher
Park and Burgess zone in transition
Shaw and McKay The Jackroller
white collar crime ecological study of delinquency
2. Discuss differential association theory, including its main contributor and its explanation of criminality. Briefly apply the perspective to the example of the professional thief.
3. List and discuss Thrasher’s types of gangs. Include a discussion of the role of girls in the gang.
Chapter 5 Chicago School 1 Social Disorganization Differential Association CRN#21602-202220 Answer
People will learn to become offenders is they stay close to people who are commit crime. Like any other learning process, crime is learnt through interactions with others (“Sutherland’s Differential Association Theory Explained”, 2022). Depending on people one surround themselves with, they will pick their motives, values, methods and attitudes of criminal behavior……..
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