(Answered) Social Pathology, Degeneracy and Medicalization CRN#21827-202220

Social Pathology, Degeneracy and Medicalization CRN#21827-202220 

Social Pathology, Degeneracy and Medicalization

Introduction, Tammy L. Anderson /

  1. Social Pathology: A Systematic Approach to the Theory of Sociopathic Behavior, Edwin Lemert /
  2. Whatever Happened to Social Pathology? Conceptual Fashions and the Sociology of Deviance, Joel Best /
  3. The Shifting Engines of Medicalization, Peter Conrad / 17. Connections: Mental Illness as Degeneracy and Disease, Victor Perez, Critical Thinking Questions /

Points Possible: 20

Deliverable Length: 2-3 pages

Due: Sunday, February 20, 11:55 pm

Answer two questions:

1.  Define and differentiate between Anderson’s use of the concepts degeneracy and medicalization (pp. 170-171). Do you agree with Anderson that social pathology has limited use in the study of society and deviance?  Why or why not?

2.   Summarize Lemert’s treatment of psychological/psychiatric and sociological approaches to the study of sociopathic behavior (pp.176-177).

 3.    Best claims that social pathology as a viable concept “gradually fell out of style” by the 1960s, replaced by a more relativistic emphasis on deviance. Then he makes a similar argument for the “death” of the concept of deviance in the present day.  Summarize his three principles of deviance definition (pp. 181-182) which are now debated as inadequate to the task.

Social Pathology, Degeneracy and Medicalization CRN#21827-202220 Answer

The definition of the term explains more about its meaning; it is the same things that people want to see in this case. People control social issues based on how they behave or using guiding principles. Many people have gone ahead to study the causes of such behavior and the significant issues that could lead to deviance; medicalization and degeneration are some of them. If the definition of the terms provides the solution to the much-needed social change, it will have helped many people………..

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