(Answered) ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY CRN#21827-202220



Points Possible: 200

Deliverable Length: 10 references; 5-7 pages total

Due: Tuesday, April 26 by 11:55 pm

FORMAT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY1. American Psychological Association (APA) Style2. a. Be sure to provide the COMPLETE BIBLIOGRAPHIC CITATION in APA STYLE,INCLUDING ELECTRONIC IDENTIFICATION (e.g., DOI or URL if appropriate)b. For each entry (total of 10), include a 2-3 paragraph summary of theentry’s main points and/or your overall evaluation of the entry. Thesummary should be in your own words and not simply copied from the entry orsome other source; each citation summary should be written in completesentences.c. ALL bibliographic entries should be from scholarly journals or bookchapters (either online or hard copy). Two of the 10 entries may be takenfrom your textbook (one reading each from Sections 11 and 12 ONLY). NOWIKIPEDIA references at all. It is recommended that you consult electronicresources such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, and Google Books for the remainingeight entries. If an article is behind a pay site, you may still use itwithout reading the entire complete source. Be sure to include the completebibliographic citation and use the available abstract for your annotation.DO NOT COPY THE ABSTRACT WORD-FOR-WORD: Paraphrase it and put it in your ownwords.d. It will be easiest for you to research and choose your entries viaelectronic searches, but you may also search hard copy sources in alibrary. I do not need nor want hard copy articles of your sources, BUT YOUMUST SUPPLY COMPLETE BIBLIOGRAPHIC CITATIONS PER A AND B ABOVE.e. The 10 entries should generally cover specific theories/types of deviance(i.e., the general subject area of the course). You should not turn in 10citations on a single theory or type of deviance; with flexibility you candraw from a variety of behavior/theories. There may be some repetition ofcontent in your choices of sources to annotate, but the purpose is tothoroughly familiarize yourself with the information in the process ofanswering the weekly discussion questions. It is recommended that you searchfor articles while reading each chapter week-by-week, and choose referencesthat will add to your knowledge of the theories and aid in answering thediscussion questions.f. The entries should be organized as a list alphabetized by author’slast name per APA Style. The title should read ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OFDEVIANT BEHAVIOR. This annotated bibliography should be typed (double-spaced, one-inch margins all around) and submitted to me via Canvas no laterthan TUESDAY, APRIL 26 by 11:55pm.g. The Annotated Bibliography should be an original composition, notrecycled from another class. Additionally, chapters from the textbook shouldNOT be used as references in the bibliography. If you have any questions,PLEASE CONTACT ME.3. Below are several links to familiarize you with creating and assemblingan annotated bibliography:http://libguides.gwumc.edu/c.php?g=27779&p=170331 (BEST SOURCE)http://www.editing-writing.com/articles/annotated-bibliography-apa-style.shtmlhttp://www.lib.ncsu.edu/citationbuilder/cite.php?source=bookhttp://library.csun.edu/docs/apannotbib.pdfhttp://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/03/


Abrah, P. (2018). Labeling Theory and Life Stories of Juvenile Delinquents Transitioning Into           Adulthood. International Journal Of Offender Therapy And Comparative             Criminology63(2),    179-197. https://doi.org/10.1177/0306624×18787303

In this journal, Abrah uses the life stories of 23 juvenile delinquents to see how labels reinforce offensive behaviors. According to him, when society, friends, society, and families react negatively to what a deviant person does and labels them, the level of deviance increases. When people are tagged, defined, identified, segregated, emphasized, and described, their deviant traits are activated and the traits that people are complaining more about become………….

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