(Answered) Week 6 Discussion WCUDA NURS 440

Week 6 Discussion WCUDA NURS 440

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The media portray many images of nursing, some favorable and some unfavorable.

  • Does media portrayal of nursing affect how patients perceive nurses as authority figures? Why or why not? Think about nursing stereotypes and discuss the ways you can influence the public image of nursing.
  • Discuss the various roles nurses can play that support the real image of nursing. Think about community health care and preventive services for all, but especially the underserved.

In order to receive full credit, you will need to clearly respond to both parts of the question using subtitles or bullets AND cite at least one scholarly reference in your response. You are required to participate on at least three (3) days of the week to receive full participation points.

Week 6 Discussion WCUDA NURS 440 Answer

The media portrayal of nursing does not affect how patients perceive nurses as authority figures. Instead, nurses are portrayed as physician assistants (Godsey et. al., 2020). Nurses are actually highly skills health care professionals that are the last line of defense when it comes to patients. Ways that I could influence the public image of nursing would be to not downplay my……….

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