(Answered) Unit 8 Discussion PS215 Neuroscience

Unit 8 Discussion PS215 Neuroscience

Neurotransmitters, Hormones, and Genes Oh My!

The interactions between genes and the environment show how they may influence each other. In this discussion, define neurotransmitters, hormones, and genes. Discuss how the interplay between genes and the environment contribute to changes in the brain and could lead to impacts on development, behavior, or mood.

Keywords: Teratogens, Epigenetic events, Heritability

Neurotransmitters are complex and they can be defined as chemicals released by neurons to release a target response in cells (Chara, 2021). Small amine transmitters such as dopamine are used to release a target response of pleasure (Chara, 2021). A target response people seek out in issues with addiction (Chara, 2021).

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