(Answered) Unit 4 Discussion MM150 Survey of Mathematics

Unit 4 Discussion MM150 Survey of Mathematics

Percentages and Budgets

Being involved in your local community is important for a variety of reasons. It affords you the opportunity to connect with, help, and strengthen the lives of others. It can give you a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment as you form bonds with your neighbors. If you find a need in your community, it is a good idea to collect data regarding that need. The data may reinforce your idea that there is a need, or it may even point you in a different direction of need. Using a data-driven approach to solve a community problem will help you be successful.

Post 1: Initial Response

For the Unit 4 Discussion Board, you will write and post an essay about civic participation. Propose a community program that you would like to kick start. Choose something you are passionate about: health care, sports, politics, education, community outreach, crime prevention, beautification, animals, etc. It can be something you do once or something you do on an ongoing basis.

Your 250-word minimum essay should include:

  • A brief overview of the community program you would like to kick start.
  • Proposed budget percentages for your program to help prepare for fundraising (administrative costs, supplies, rent, advertising, etc.).
  • Proposed number of volunteers needed for your program. Also calculate the percentage of volunteers based on total number of people in the community (number of volunteers ÷ population of community).
  • Estimated percentage of people (or animals) in the community that would benefit from the program.

Every piece of writing should have an introduction, body, and conclusion. A good way to plan this particular reflective essay is to write an introduction to the essay. Next, write at least three body paragraphs. Finish with your conclusion paragraph.

Your essay and outside sources for this essay need to be cited in proper APA format. You can find numerous APA resources in the Academic Success Center Reference Library on the Research, Citation, and Plagiarism page.

Your essay should include a highly developed purpose and viewpoint; it should also be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, grammar, and mechanics. There should be no evidence of plagiarism. If you are unsure about what constitutes plagiarism, please review the plagiarism policy.

Post 2: Reply to a Classmate

You are a reporter for the local newspaper or television network in your community. The kick start community program run by your fellow classmate is doing better than expected. Because of that, a new budget is being proposed for the upcoming fiscal year.

In your reply, report on an actual percentage of people (or animals) benefiting from the current program, a new percentage of volunteers needed for the program in the future, and new budget percentages for the program for the upcoming fiscal year.

Post 3: Reply to Another Classmate

Find a thread in the Discussion Board that you find interesting and join the conversation. Post several sentences on this topic that are thoughtful and advance the discussion mathematically.

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