[ANSWERED] LA2001 Criminal Responsibility Under Criminal Law

[ANSWERED] LA2001 Criminal Responsibility Under Criminal Law

Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.

To prepare:

  • Read the case studies found in the Criminal Justice Case Studies: Criminal Law and Probable Cause document and choose two.
  • Download and review the Arrest Report Template provided in the resources.
  • Write two arrest report narratives—that is, one arrest report for each of your two chosen case studies.
  • Respond in the Arrest Report Template and submit that document.
  • Under the Narrative 1 and Narrative 2 sections in the Arrest Report Template, you are required to:
    • Identify the suspect’s level of intent (mens rea).
    • Identify the causation (i.e., how the suspect’s actions caused harm).
    • Explain how you used the intent and causation to form probable cause.

Although aspects of the scenario itself may resemble how an arrest report narrative may sound, be sure to put the details in your own words.

In 250-500 words, respond to the following. Recall that this portion of your document is your analysis and reflection, the audience for which is your assessor in this Competency only.
  • How do you determine whether actions are considered criminal when defensible?
  • If there is probable cause that a crime has been committed, what is the obligation (duty) of the police?
  • Who decides if the defense presented is usable—the police, the prosecutor, or the judge?

Support your responses by referring to the learning resources.

[ANSWERED] LA2001 Criminal Responsibility Under Criminal Law


Criminal Responsibility Under Criminal Law

Part I

Write two arrest report narratives—that is, one arrest report for each of your two chosen case studies. Respond to the Arrest Report Template and submit that document.

Under Narrative 1 sections in the Arrest Report Template, you are required to:

(a) Identify the Suspect’s Level of Intent (mens rea). 300

I choose to discuss the first case: the case of the Smith Family shooting. The suspect was not to shoot his father, but it was a provoked action from his mother and father’s altercation. In this case, the son (Johnny) was sleeping, but the altercation and arguments from his parent got him to wake up. From the start, Johnny had no intention of doing something wrong. For Johnny, it was all about protecting his mother, who seemed overwhelmed. For many, it happens when boys come in to defend their mothers (Illinois Legal Aid, 2022). It was not a preplanned action, but Mr. Smith created the opportunity because of the many firearms he had in the house; thus, the son had the tool to execute the action

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