

Write your responses where it reads “Enter your response here.” Write as much as needed to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each item contains the rubric that will be used to evaluate your responses.

Item 1

Respond the following:

  1. Explain how crime is reported by criminal justice authorities to the government.
  2. Explain why 50% of serious crime may go unreported by citizens. Explain how this affects crime statistics kept by government entities, and support your explanation with examples from the readings.
  3. Explain the factors that have led to a decrease in violent crime. Fix My GPA to help you complete your online class

Your response should be 250–500 words in length.

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Crime Reporting, Trends, and Perceptions
Describe how crime is reported by criminal justice authorities to the government.


LO1: Describe methods for crime reporting

Response is not present. The response about how crime is reported by criminal justice authorities to the government is incomplete or contains inaccuracies.



The response accurately explains how crime is reported by criminal justice authorities to the government.



Explain why 50% of serious crime may go unreported by citizens. Explain how this affects crime statistics kept by government entities, and support your explanation with examples from the reading.


LO2: Analyze crime reporting trends

Response is not present. The response contains inaccuracies or is not sufficiently developed. The response does not include support from the learning resources, or if support is included, it is not academically appropriate.


The response explains why 50% of serious crime may go unreported by citizens, and the response explains how this affects crime statistics kept by government entities. The response includes accurate support from the learning resources.
Explain the factors that have led to a decrease in violent crime.


LO3: Explain the decrease in violent crime

Response is not present. The response inaccurately explains or does not explain the factors that have led to a decrease in violent crime.


The response explains the factors that have led to a decrease in violent crime.

Item 2

Explain how technology has affected the perceptions of safety and violence in society. In your explanation, refer to a current event or professional example and to the learning resources.

Your response should be 200–250 words in length. Fix My GPA to help you complete your online class

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Crime Reporting, Trends, and Perceptions
Explain how technology has affected the perceptions of safety and violence in society. In your explanation, refer to a current event or professional example and to the learning resources.


LO4: Compare crime perception with crime statistics

Response is not present. The response explains how technology has affected the perceptions of safety and violence in society.


The response may either not reference a current event or example and/or may not be supported by examples from the learning resources.



The response explains how technology has affected the perceptions of safety and violence in society.


The response references a current event example and is supported by examples from the learning resources.

Item 3

Respond to the following:

  1. First, find the crime statistics for your community. Then, report the statistics for the 8 Type 1 index offenses in your community, including the identification of your community and a reference for where you found your statistics.
  2. Explain whether the statistics match your perceptions. Explain the reasons for differences or similarities between the perception and reality of crime in your community.
  3. Recommend one way in which you could address this difference between crime perception and statistics. Support your suggestion with examples from professional experience or with evidence from the learning resources.

Your response should be 500–750 words in length.

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Crime Perception and Crime Statistics Hire Fix My GPA to help you complete your online class

Find the crime statistics for your community. Report the statistics for the 8 Type 1 index offenses in your community, including the identification of your community and a reference for where you found your statistics.


LO5: Locate crime statistics for a community



Response is not present. The response does not make a complete report of the statistics for the 8 Type 1 index offenses in a community and may not include a reference for where the statistics were found.



The response reports the statistics for the 8 Type 1 index offenses in a community, including the identification of the community and a reference for where the statistics were found.



Explain whether the statistics match your perceptions. Explain the reasons for differences or similarities between the perception and reality of crime in your community.


LO6: Compare crime perception with crime statistics


Response is not present. The response does not adequately explain whether the statistics match perceptions and/or may not provide relevant and evidence-based reasons for differences or similarities between the perception and reality of crime in the community.



The response explains whether the statistics match perceptions. The response provides relevant and evidence-based reasons for differences or similarities between the perception and reality of crime in the community.



Recommend one way in which you could address this difference between crime perception and crime statistics.


LO7: Recommend a strategy for addressing misperceptions between perception of crime and crime statistics



Response is not present. The response provided does not completely address the difference between crime perception and crime statistics and/or does not support the suggestion with examples of professional experience or evidence from the reading.



The response provides one way to address the difference between crime perception and crime statistics, supporting the suggestion with examples of professional experience or evidence from the reading.




Provide a citation for each resource you used to write your response to this Assessment. The following citation has been provided as an example:

CJ1002 Answer

The Uniform Crime Reporting Program is the official data on crime in the United States. Through the cooperation of the law enforcement agencies, data across the United States is collected and provide to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The data comes from over 18000 counties, cities, states, universities and colleges, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies (FBI, 2020). The FBI then compiles the data through the unified system, providing a central reference point for all information related to crime and felonies in the country.  The crime data complies to four parts, which include one, traditional summary reporting system which consists of offenses and arrest data. Two, the law enforcement officer was killed and assaulted. Three hate crime statistics programs and lastly the cargo theft reporting program. After compiling the report the FBI compiles an annual crime data report (FBI, 2020). Therefore crime is reported from the lower levels going up. The system’s data is collated from Crime reporting should always be a concerted effort among all agencies, the citizens, and government entities to ensure that all details are well-captured.

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