[Answered] HN330 Unit 10 Discussion

This week, the final discussion is on creating opportunities in human services in your community. This course and your degree in Human Services prepare you for traditional opportunities in child and adult case management. Many diverse types of case management opportunities exist in a wide variety of settings. In addition to these traditional opportunities, you may discover new and creative ways to apply the skills and knowledge you learned in this program. This discussion provides an opportunity to talk about this with classmates and your instructor and to brainstorm the possibilities.

  • What do you see as some of the most pressing unmet human service needs in your community?
  • When you think about everything you have learned to this point, how could you apply some of this in creative ways to the unmet needs you identified?
  • What are the possibilities for creating new programs and services in your community? Can you imagine doing this someday?

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Unmet human need in my community: in my immediate community, there are several needs yet to be met.  I Believe the most common of it all is a need for safety and security. To explain the above clearly and in simple terms, I mean the need for certainty, predictability, stability, and freedom from fear and anxiety.
This human need is still insatiable. People need support, a voice to reassure them everything will be good…..

HN330 Case Management in Human Services

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