Children and youth can be referred for case management services for a variety of reasons. Some examples include problems with school, behavioral problems, developmental delays, adjustments to events such as divorce or the death of a parent, trauma associated with abuse and/or neglect, and homelessness. When a child’s parent calls to obtain services for their child, they may have been referred by the child’s doctor’s office, school, or local social service agency. After reviewing Chapter 4 and 6 of your text and reading the scenarios below, practice documenting an initial inquiry.
First, select two clients from the examples below.
- Six-year-old child was referred by his teacher for severe attention and aggression difficulties. Normal interventions for behavior change have been ineffective. Child’s father is calling for services.
- Two-year-old child was referred by pediatrician for social skill delay resulting from previous neglect by birth parents. Adoptive parents are calling for services.
- Fifteen-year-old youth is several months pregnant. She manages in school but only reads at the sixth-grade level. She is planning on dropping out after she has the baby. Youth’s mother is calling for services.
Second, develop your client and your client’s problems. You can review articles in the Purdue Global Library or look online to find additional issues that your client might be struggling with. You can also think about how the client’s parent(s) might be feeling and what issues the client’s parent(s) might be facing when they make the first call. You will be creating information about your client to complete sections of a new referral or inquiry form.
If you choose to research your topic in the Library, a suggested search format includes: “children” AND “severe aggressive behavior” AND “human services”. Review the articles that come up to find an article on human service work with children/youth and the topic that you choose. You may have to open several articles to find one that meets these requirements; do not give up. You will find one. If you get stuck, use the “Library Help” area of the homepage. The librarians are excellent resources and will help you find what you are looking for.
Third, provide information for each of the following sections, for both of your clients, as if you were completing a new referral or inquiry form.
- Referred by
- Chief complaint and/or description of problem
- Previous evaluation, services, or treatment
- Taken by
- Disposition
Finally, discuss with your classmates how it felt to complete your first referral. Were there any sections that you struggled with?
Return to Unit 6 Discussion Instructions
chief complaint: Christopher is a 6 year year old male, who has been expressing severe aggression towards the staff and other students. Christopher is disruptive during class time, and has difficulties paying attention. The staff has noticed when Christopher gets aggravated he results in violence, which may include hitting, and yelling at the other students, and staff members.