[Answered] HN330 Unit 9 Assignment Planning for Termination and Transition of Services

HN330 Unit 9 Assignment Planning for Termination and Transition of Services

Learning Activity

If you have not done so, please be sure to complete the Unit 9 Learning Activity, as this learning activity is graded and will help prepare you for the assignment. You will earn 5 points once you complete the activity. You must reach the final slide to receive full credit. You will not earn any points if you do not complete the activity. You may attempt the activity as many times as you wish, but no partial credit will be awarded for partial completion.

Planning for Termination and Transition of Services

For this assignment, you will develop a termination and transition plan with Bo. Begin by reviewing all the work that you have completed with Bo throughout this course to help you plan for this final phase.

Assignment Directions

For this assignment, imagine that Bo and his family are moving to another part of Ohio. You will need to complete a summary of your final meeting with Bo and then create a 3- to 5-minute audio recording discussing the information you have compiled to pass on to his new case manager. Be sure to use a strengths-based perspective and Bo’s own words where appropriate.

Please address all the following:

  • Using the Unit 9 Assignment Template, summarize your final session with Bo.
    • Identify two questions you asked Bo during the final session and provide his responses. These questions should help him feel reassured and supported during termination and transition to a new case manager.
    • Describe the presenting problem at admission, which should match the information entered for your Unit 6 Assignment.
    • List three of the goals that you created with Bo in your Unit 7 Assignment and discuss Bo’s progress towards his goals. For each goal listed, state whether or not the goal was achieved. If the goal was not achieved, state the plan for discharge.
    • Provide a brief closing summary and recommendation. This response should reflect a systems theory framework.
  • Create a short audio recording (3–5 minutes) sharing the relevant details of Bo’s case to his new case manager, based on the information you completed in the summary.
    • Be sure to integrate key information from the client assessment and service plan, discuss customized transition strategies for Bo, and provide a clear communication strategy with the next provider agency.
    • Your recording should be clear and concise and be presented in a professional manner using strengths-based language. Review the assignment guidelines for additional requirements.

HN330 Unit 9 Assignment Planning for Termination and Transition of Services Answer

When Bo first came to our agency, he was 13 years old, he described that he rather hangs with friends to drink and smoke rather than going to school because he did not understand his classes. His mother Tammy had some concerns if Bo has a learning disability, we did refer Bo to get tested to see if that is the possible case. Bo also does not get along with his mother and does look up to his older brother Matt, when speaking with his older brother he does want to see his younger brother succeed but does not like the crowd he hangs around and feels that it is holding Bo back.

HN330 Case Management in Human Services

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