(Answered) PS300 Unit 7 Discussion

PS300 Unit 7 Discussion

Researchers use single factor experimental designs to study causal relationships. For example, if researchers want to know if an exercise intervention reduces depression, they might randomly assign half the participants to receive the exercise intervention and the other half to not receive the exercise intervention. They could collect baseline and post-intervention data and compare the two groups. If the treatment group showed a significantly greater reduction of depression than the control group, the researchers would conclude that the exercise intervention reduced depression.

Think of a topic of interest, and please respond to the following:

  • Create a research question and hypothesis.
  • Summarize how you would construct a single factor experimental study to test your hypothesis. Include random assignment to groups and/or counterbalancing in your description.
  • Describe the difference between using a between subjects design or a within subjects design.
  • For your topic, would you want to use a between subjects or within subjects design? Explain.

In order to earn credit for your peer responses, please be sure that your posts are both substantial and relevant to the topic of research methods.

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PS300 Unit 7 Discussion Answer

The construction for this study would be to gather subjects who are not actively participating, and have never participated in, Jiu-Jitsu. Optimally, there would be at least 50 subjects in each group but that could prove unlikely so 10-15 individuals in each group would be the goal. After gathering these individuals, they will all fill out a self questionnaire that will measure their overall level of confidence. The individuals will initially be randomly assigned to the experimental group, the group which is actively engaging in Jiu-Jitsu, and the control

PS300 Research Methods I

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