(Answered) CE215 Unit 7 Journal Culture and Diversity in the Learning Environment

CE215 Unit 7 Journal Culture and Diversity in the Learning Environment 

CE215 Unit 7 Journal Culture and Diversity in the Learning Environment

Learning is enhanced when you take time to reflect on the process. This week, you will have a Journal Assignment that asks you to address the content for the unit. Your reflection and writing will help you with your understanding of the content that is covered.

Culture and Diversity in the Learning Environment

This unit, you have learned how an early childhood setting can have both high educator controls as well as provide children with opportunities to explore and learn independently. The article “8 Things to Look for in a Student-Centered Learning Environment” suggests looking for an environment that reflects culture and diversity. One school that was introduced had various quotes and messages painted on the walls in their school setting to reflect diversity and culture. Think about what message(s) you would paint on the walls in your early childhood setting that would show diversity. Make sure that what you choose is appropriate for an early childhood setting.

In at least 200 words, please respond to the following:

  • Share your message or quote.
    • If you use a quote, be sure to identify the author.
  • Explain why you chose it and how displaying it will help children honor diversity.

Submitting Your Journal

Please submit your file to the Unit 7 Journal Dropbox.

CE215 Unit 7 Journal Culture and Diversity in the Learning Environment Answer

There are two quotes I would be sure to have in my classroom setting.

One is “None but ourselves can free our minds.” This is a quote from the great Bob Marley that comes from his classic song ‘Redemption Song’. I even have it tattooed on me because I believe in this so much.  No matter who you are, where you come from, or even what you believe in, this can be something to live by.  We must free the mind of the things that hold us hostage and keep us from success.  I work so hard to remove the words ‘can’t’ and ‘try’ from my and my daughter’s vocabulary.  ‘Can’t’ is a form of giving up before you give your all, and to ‘try’ is simply the intent to fail.  Whatever you want in life you can have and I want to always be sure my student know this and embody this idea…………..

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