(Answered) CE220 Unit 3 Discussion Food Safety

CE220 Unit 3 Discussion Food Safety

Food Safety

Feeding infants and toddlers can have its challenges. Many families find that making healthy choices becomes even more difficult, especially for those with busy schedules and/or limited resources.

Visit the USDA site below:

United States Department of Agriculture. Choose My Plate. Retrieved from www.choosemyplate.gov

  • Share one piece of information from this resource that you would use with young children and why.
  • Share what positive meal time looks like in a quality early learning environment. How can you share ideas on positive meal time with parents?

Points and Rubric

This discussion is worth 30 points, and the rubric that will be used to grade your discussion participation is available from the Grading Rubrics page under Course Resources. The deadline for posts is Tuesday night at 11:59 p.m. ET; however, you must participate throughout the week to earn full credit.

This discussion addresses the following unit learning outcomes:

  • Describe the importance of incorporating a well-balanced dietary program.
  • Discuss developmentally appropriate and healthy food choices for young children.

It also addresses the following Course Outcome:

CE220-2: Prepare developmentally appropriate learning activities for young children that reinforce the principles of health, nutrition, and safety.

Remember that your goal for discussion is three-fold:

  1. To participate actively throughout the entire week.
  2. To contribute in a way that adds to the discussion and moves it forward in an original fashion.
  3. To use the course content to inform your posts and responses.

Keep in mind that when you post, you should always reference items you cite — be sure to use APA format for this. Also, be sure to refer back to the rubric as often as you need to during the week. The class is all about sharing knowledge, so use Discussions as a way of creating a community resource for yourself and your colleagues.

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CE220 Unit 3 Discussion Food Safety Answer

Share one piece of information from this resource that you would use with young children and why.


The amount of nutritional foods you eat helps you in many ways. Eating healthier can give you more energy and it helps with a child’s development. As a mother of one, I have learned that feeding my son the appropriate amount of nutritional foods throughout the day greatly improves his overall mood. The only issue I’ve ever had whenever it comes to eating would be my son not eating a lot of meat he would eat his fruit and vegetables and grains but not a lot of meat. If given the chance he would eat his vegetables and fruit all day. ……..

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