Chapter 10 Peacemaking Criminology CRN#21602-202220
Reading Assignment 10
Chapter 10 (Peacemaking Criminology)
Points Possible: 20
Deliverable Length: 3-4 pages
Due: Sunday, April 10 by 11:55pm
Answer any two questions
1. Summarize the cultural and historical background for peacemaking in criminology as found in the perspectives of Mahatma Gandhi, Jane Addams, and Martin Luther King, Jr. What is the significance of nonviolent protest, especially for Gandhi and King?
2. Outline the assumptions about society and people as found in peacemaking criminology. Include any two of the following: micro- vs. macro-level subjective vs. objective perspectives; passive vs. free-willed agency; conflict vs. consensus in social structure.
3. Compare the work of Richard Quinney in spiritual/religious tradition to that of Harold Pepinsky in the critical tradition. Do you think it is possible to combine the two for a more complete peacemaking perspective-why or why not?
Chapter 10 Peacemaking Criminology CRN#21602-202220
Peacemaking criminology is concerned with having nonviolent movements against different forms of social injustice and violence. Mahatma Gandhi, Jane Addams, and Martin Luther King, Jr. understood that the use of violence would not be enough solution to solve crimes. Mahatma Gandhi led marches and gave speeches to lead a non-violent resistance against British colonial rule. He was the leader of the nationalist movement and a great prospect of non-violent protest, and this helped India in achieving social and political progress………
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