(Answered) Chapter 7 Chicago School 2 Interactionist/Labeling CRN#21602-202220

Chapter 7 Chicago School 2 Interactionist/Labeling CRN#21602-202220

Reading Assignment 7

Chapter 7 (Chicago School 2: Interactionist/Labeling)

Points Possible: 20

Deliverable Length: 3-4 pages

Due: Sunday, March 20 by 11:55pm

Answer any two questions (10 points each):

1.  Define Frank Tannenbaum’s concept of “the dramatization of evil.”  Include a discussion of tagging and societal reaction as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

2.  Distinguish between Edwin Lemert’s concepts of primary and secondary deviance.

3.  Construct a interactionist definition of deviance using the concepts of master status (Becker) and stigma(tization) (Goffman). Include a specific example of behavior situation labeled.

Chapter 7 Chicago School 2 Interactionist/Labeling CRN#21602-202220 Answer

Interactionism is the view that people will create their world based on their interactions.  Human beings are social beings, and as they interact, their behavior will correspond to that influence. Interactionism, therefore, is the belief that people have a free will and they have the ability to create the societies they live in. Social interactions are also very vital when it comes to forming individual identities……….

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