HN144 Unit 5 Discussion The Development of Self, Interpersonal Awareness, and Group Formation in Middle Childhood
The Development of Self, Interpersonal Awareness, and Group Formation in Middle Childhood
As you know from your reading as well as from your own personal experience, middle childhood is a time of slow, but consistent growth where all aspects of a child shift as they transition from early childhood and prepare to move into adolescence.
Please respond to the following:
- Describe at least three emotional changes that occur during middle childhood.
- Discuss how a child in this stage may respond to these emotional changes including how they can impact the development of self-awareness and interpersonal awareness.
- Discuss the importance of group formation for children in middle childhood and how families can influence social skills and interactions for children in this stage.
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HN144 Unit 5 Discussion The Development of Self, Interpersonal Awareness, and Group Formation in Middle Childhood Answer
From ages, seven to eleven is considered to be middle childhood, in which children grow physically and cognitively. According to Piaget’s studies, they are considered to be in the concrete operational stage. At this age, children have a strong mental grasp on logical and specific things but struggle with abstract ideas. During this stage, they also develop a sense of self-awareness through social interactions with family and friends. Emotional intelligence also increases significantly during this stage in development.
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