(Answered) HN144 Unit 8 Discussion Impact of Physical Changes on Psychosocial Development in Middle Adulthood

HN144 Unit 8 Discussion Impact of Physical Changes on Psychosocial Development in Middle Adulthood

Impact of Physical Changes on Psychosocial Development in Middle Adulthood

There are a lot of changes that can take place during the life stage of middle adulthood. Many of these changes are influenced by issues that occur within a person’s environment and are also impacted by how individuals choose to interpret these interactions and apply them to their lives and decision-making process.

Please respond to the following:

  • Identify three physical changes that take place during middle adulthood and discuss how these physical changes can impact individuals in this life stage.
  • Define the developmental stage of generativity versus stagnation, as developed by Erikson, and explain how it relates to other developmental themes that occur in middle adulthood.
  • Discuss how a human service professional can provide assistance to a client that was in stagnation.

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HN144 Unit 8 Discussion Impact of Physical Changes on Psychosocial Development in Middle Adulthood

The changes that occur during middle adulthood range from mental to physical. Both men and women begin to experience a variety of physical changes as they approach the considered middle adulthood ages between 35 and 60 (Ashford et al., 2017). Some of those changes could be hair loss, menopause, and weight gain. These changes can be caused by a number of things from biological occurrences to stress and this can result in the negative impact created in the self-esteem of adults that are experiencing these changes.

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