(Answered) Module 3- Assignment 1 Cultural Competence Self-Assessment

Module 3- Assignment 1: Cultural Competence Self-Assessment

Cultural Competence Self-Assessment

Open the assignment Cultural Competence Self-Assessment download for details.

Self-Assessment Checklist.
Some questions may not apply to your current role. Please do you best to answer with A, B, or C. There is not a wrong answer.
Score and review your responses. Ask yourself if you have Cultural and Linguistic competence.
From your personal experience where are your strengths and weaknesses?
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Complete and submit your assignment by 2359 Saturday of Module 1.

Module 3- Assignment 1: Cultural Competence Self-Assessment

Conclusions and Reflections

Answer the following questions using your personal opinions and views. Write a minimum of 100 words in one or two paragraphs for this assignment. APA is not required. If you cite sources please add references. You may use this document or a separate paper to complete this assignment.

Describe your overall CULTURAL and LINGUISTIC COMPETENCY strengths, and weaknesses.

My strength in cultural and linguistic competency is being able to adapt to a variety of cultures. I grew up around a variety of different ethnic backgrounds, so it is easy for me to accept diversity. I use the resources available to assist with providing care to our patients that have a language barrier. We have certified Spanish speakers that we work around and interpreters for several different languages including sign language available via phone or video. My weakness is lacking the knowledge of different cultural backgrounds. I am ignorant in the matter of the culture of being called by gender pronouns. I know I have to be more sensitive to what that particular group of diverse people requires.  Being able to differentiate what one wants to be called is a bit confusing to me, but I am willing to learn………

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