(Answered) MT203 Unit 4 Journal Workforce Reduction

MT203 Unit 4 Journal Workforce Reduction

Journal: Workforce Reduction

Introduction: Workforce reduction is one of the toughest challenges for a human resources manager. In today’s marketplace, financial and growth considerations can change rapidly, affecting an organization’s potential growth or even its existence in some cases. The latter is especially true with startup companies, or new organizations that may initially grow a bit too quickly and then must retrench when the market changes. Planning for a reduction is the responsibility of the human resource manager, and if done correctly can mitigate some of the difficulty and toll taken on all concerned.

You will only post once for a grade in the Journal. Post a minimum of 250 words, but make sure it is an original post concerning the following:

Scenario: Your boss tells you the company is suffering losses in the market, and if some employees are not laid off in the next 3 months, the company may not survive.

Based on your reading in Chapter 5 and Table 5.2:

  • Discuss what options you would consider, and why, when planning for a reduction in the workforce.
  • Why would your choices for planning a reduction in the workforce be preferable to others?

You can choose more than one option from the table.

Unit 4 Journal Grading Rubric

Points possible out of a total of 40 points

Based on the scenario workforce reduction and Table 5.2:


  1. Discusses what options you would consider when planning a reduction in the workforce based on the scenario.
  2. Explains why those options would be preferable (selecting one or more options from Table 5.2).



  • Response shows originality and use of correct spelling and grammar.


You can also download the Unit 4 Journal rubric.

MT203 Unit 4 Journal Workforce Reduction Answer

Layoffs are never something a company wants to do unless it is mandatory for the company’s survival. Deciding who stays and who goes should only be based on core competency. Core competency is “a set of knowledge and skills that make the organization superior to competitors and create value for customers (Noe).”

One way to help the organization survive would be to downsize. Now downsizing doesn’t automatically mean letting the workforce go. You want to see where you can reduce costs, which could be on products you use in the building, or suppliers you are using………..

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