(Answered) NR443 Week 5 Social Media Discussion: Healthcare Policies and Population Health

NR443 Week 5 Social Media Discussion: Healthcare Policies and Population Health

NR443 Week 5 Social Media Discussion Question

Healthcare policies impact all populations. Now, with the use of social media, policies involvement and awareness are rising.

  1. Take a moment to review the Twitter feed for compelling Tweets that are related to healthcare policy and are directly impacting your community or those you care for.
  2. Give an overview of the policy or potential policy. Include how it could impact your community or those you care for positively negatively.
  3. Next, discuss the importance that interdisciplinary collaboration would have related to the policy.
  4. Then, identify any ethical concerns it raises for you and why.
  5. Compose a 280-character or fewer Tweet that describes what you have shared with the class. Remember Twitter only allows 280 characters (this include spaces, etc.) so you will need to be concise. It should include a hashtag. Include a reference URL if applicable. Share this Tweet in the discussion. (Note: A Twitter account is not required).
  6. Your discussion post should look like:
    • Paragraph one: overview of the policy or potential policy. Include how it could impact your community or those you care for positively negatively.
    • Paragraph two: Discuss the importance that interdisciplinary collaboration would have related to the policy.
    • Paragraph three: Identify any ethical concerns it raises for you and why
    • Paragraph four: Compose a Tweet that describes what you have shared with the class.
    • Resources: Where did you find your data?
  7. Example Tweet: Medications should be affordable. #pharmaceuticaltransparency #nursesunit #advocate https://www.cms.gov/newsroom/press-releases/cms-takes-action-lower-prescription-drug-prices-and-increase-transparency

NR443 Week 5 Social Media Discussion Answer

The drug price control and transparency policy carry the potential for significant positive impacts on the community, foremost among them being enhanced affordability of prescription drugs and increased transparency regarding drug pricing methodologies. By providing the public with insights into how drug prices are determined, this policy fosters informed decision-making among consumers. Moreover, it acts as a safeguard, protecting individuals from the risks associated with ineffective, poor-quality, or hazardous drugs by ensuring access to accurate information about medications (CMS.gov, 2019).NR443 Week 5 Social Media Discussion

However, potential negative impacts must also be acknowledged. One such concern is the possibility of diminished drug innovation and the production of substandard medications. The pharmaceutical industry allocates substantial financial resources annually to research and develop innovative products. These innovations have played a pivotal role in improving and prolonging the lives of millions, addressing various illnesses. Historically, such advancements have been driven by market dynamics rather than government mandates. Introducing controls on prescription drug costs raises the potential risk of hindering innovation in the pharmaceutical sector.

It is imperative to strike a balance that ensures both accessibility and innovation within the pharmaceutical landscape. While addressing the issue of drug pricing is crucial for public welfare, policymakers must carefully consider the potential consequences on innovation to maintain a robust and effective healthcare system.