NR505 Week 7: Collaboration Cafe
NR505 Week 7: Collaboration Cafe. Think of a time in which you encountered a challenging change process (personal or professional) and answer the following questions/prompts:
- Was the change planned or unplanned?
- List the elements that made this change difficulty.
- Who were the people involved, and what were their attitudes toward the change?
- What were some lessons learned by you during the change process?
NR505 Week 7: Collaboration Cafe Answer
Embarking on the journey of moving from living with my parents to residing alone after completing nursing school posed a significant and challenging change process. While the transition was anticipated, its emotional impact on both me and my family was profound. The excitement of stepping into a new phase of life was intertwined with a palpable sense of apprehension about the unknowns that awaited me in my new apartment—new surroundings, new acquaintances, and new experiences.
What added complexity to this change was the emotional struggle associated with being the last to leave the family home. Concerns for my parents’ health and well-being weighed heavily on me, as they were accustomed to my presence, care, and assistance with daily activities. The responsibility I had shouldered at home made the prospect of this change particularly challenging.
The uncertainty of this transition extended beyond familial dynamics. Adjusting to a completely new living environment, forging new friendships, securing a new job, and essentially embracing an entirely new life presented a multifaceted challenge. The emotional, psychological, and physical strain stemming from this shift was substantial, requiring a comprehensive process of adaptation.