NR509 Week 6: Shadow Health Assessment Assignment
NR509 Week 6: Shadow Health Assignment
Step One: Complete Respiratory Assignment
Step Two: Document your findings on the Fillable Soap Note Template download or the Printable Soap Note download.
Step Three: Upload the Lab Pass and completed SOAP Note as separate documents to the same assignment tab in the gradebook.
NOTE: Before initiating any activity in Shadow Health, complete the required course weekly readings and lessons as well as review the introduction and pre-brief.
Complete the Shadow Health Concept Lab (Weeks 2, 4, and 5) prior to beginning the graded assignment.
Gather subjective and objective data by completing a focused, detailed health history and physical examination for each physical assessment assignment.
Critically appraise the findings as normal or abnormal.
Complete the post activity assessment questions for each assignment .
Complete all reflection questions following each physical assessment assignment.
Digital Clinical Experience (DCE) scores do not round up. For example, a DCE score of 92.99 is a 92, not a 93.
You have a maximum of two (2) attempts per Shadow Health assignment to improve your performance. However, you may elect not to repeat any assignment. NOTE: If you repeat an attempt, ONLY the second attempt will be graded, regardless of the DCE score. Please refer to the grading rubric categories for details.
Download the Lab Pass for the final attempt on the assignment.NR509 Week 6: Shadow Health
NR509 Week 6: Shadow Health Answer
SOAP Note Template: Pediatric Respiratory Case
Patient Information:
Initials: D.R.
Age: 8
Gender: Male
Height/Weight: 4’2” / 90 lbs
BP: 120/76
HR: 100
RR: 28
Temp: 37.2°C
SPO2: 96%
Pain: 3/10
Allergies: None reported
Medication: Denies
Food: Denies
Environment: Denies
History of Present Illness (HPI):
Chief Complaint (CC):
Cough started 5 days ago
Coughing every few minutes, lasting 1-2 minutes, for the past five days.
Productive cough rated 5 out of 10 with clear and thin sputum. Cough worsens at night. Associated symptoms include sore throat and earache (gargly and watery associated with sore throat).
Aggravating Factors:
Worse at night. Reports cough stays the same no matter what I do.
Relieving Factors:
Cough medicine “helped a little.”
Current Medications:
None reported