Nr601 Week 7: Reflection
Nr601 Week 7: Reflection Purpose
Students will complete a self-reflection assignment for the purpose of validating their personal progress and academic growth in NR 601. The goal for this activity is to engage the student in considering how their clinical abilities and professional growth are advancing .
Activity Learning Outcomes
Through this discussion, the student will demonstrate the ability to:
- Reflect upon how the assigned program outcome, MSN Essential and NONFP competencies have been achieved in NR 601. (WO7.4) (CO1-7)
- Link course assignments and clinical activities to the assigned program outcome, MSN Essential and NONPF competencies. (WO7.4) (CO1-7)
Reflect over the past seven weeks and describe how the achievement of the course outcomes in this course have prepared you to meet:
- MSN program Outcome # 5
- MSN Essential # VIII
- NONPF Nurse Practitioner Core Competency # 8
Chamberlain College of Nursing Program Outcome #5
Advocates for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based, collaborative advanced nursing practice. (Extraordinary nursing)
Masters Essential VIII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving Health
- Integrate clinical prevention and population health concepts in the development of culturally relevant and linguistically appropriate health education, communication strategies, and interventions.
- Design patient-centered and culturally responsive strategies in the delivery of clinical prevention and health promote on interventions and/or services to individuals, families, communities, and aggregates/clinical populations.
NONPF: #8 Ethics Competencies
- Integrates ethical principles in decision making.
- Evaluates the ethical consequences of decisions.
- Applies ethically sound solutions to complex issues related to individuals, populations and systems of care.
Students will reflect on each of the listed outcomes or competencies listed above individually and provide two (2) examples for each. Examples can be from course assignments or clinical experiences.
Nr601 Week 7: Reflection Answer
Reflective Analysis
This reflection delves into the preceding weeks, assessing the impact of the course on fulfilling MSN Program Outcome #5, MSN Essential #VIII, and NONPF Nurse Practitioner Core Competency #8.
MSN Program Outcome #5
The essence of MSN nurses advocating for positive health outcomes through evidence-based, compassionate, and collaborative advanced nursing practice is emphasized in MSN PO#5 (Parker, 2017). An illustration of meeting this outcome was witnessed when advocating for a health and wellness initiative tailored for heart failure patients. Recognizing their limited health literacy, the program addressed education, physical fitness, diet, and lifestyle factors. Furthermore, in addressing a nursing staff shortage in the emergency care unit, a letter to organizational leadership was crafted, supported by evidence-based reasoning, highlighting the need for additional staff.
MSN Essential #VIII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving Health
This essential underscores the integration of clinical prevention and population health concepts in culturally relevant health education. The course facilitated the development of skills in applying these principles, particularly evident in the heart failure program. The emphasis on preventive measures, culturally sensitive health education, and lifestyle modifications aligns seamlessly with MSN Essential #VIII.Nr601 Week 7: Reflection
In addition to this, the course enhanced proficiency in NONPF Nurse Practitioner Core Competency #8, fostering effective communication and collaboration with interprofessional teams. Through project management and collaboration scenarios, the importance of interdisciplinary teamwork in achieving optimal patient outcomes was emphasized.Nr601 Week 7: Reflection
In conclusion, the course has been instrumental in shaping an advanced nursing practice that aligns with program outcomes and essential competencies, promoting holistic patient care through evidence-based interventions and collaborative efforts.Nr601 Week 7: Reflection
Parker, M. E. (2017). Nursing theories and nursing practice. F. A. Davis Company.