(Answered) NR632 Week 1: Initial Learning Agreement

NR632 Week 1: Initial Learning Agreement

NR632 Week 1. Directions
For Week 1, complete the Learning Agreement with self-identified goals to meet COs and initial plans to meet those self-identified goals; review the TIPS document to help you and discuss your goals and plans with your mentor. Your mentor must sign the Learning Agreement for your Week 1 submission.NR632 Week 1: Initial

The agreement should be revised each week to reflect completed goals, additional goals, and changes to the plan dictated by the actual experience or revisions suggested by faculty or the mentor. At the end of the practicum experience, evaluate success with your mentor and obtain the mentor’s signature at the bottom of agreement. Save this form as a Word document and enter required information directly onto it; submit the completed Learning Agreement, signed by your mentor, on the Friday of Week 8. See the Learning Agreement Grading Rubric for grading details.NR632 Week 1: Initial

The Learning Agreement consists of three sections.

Student Learning Outcomes Table (Week 1)
Signatures approving plan (Week 1)
Signatures and mentor verification (Week 8)

NR632 Week 1: Initial Answer

Learning Agreement: Navigating Leadership Competency in Executive Practice

Student Information:

Student Name: [Your Name] Student D#: [Your D#] Student Contact: [Your Email, Phone] Mentor Information:

Mentor Name and Credentials: Sari Maenza, DNP, FNP-BC, RN CCRN
Mentor Contact Information: [Mentor’s Work Phone, Cell Phone, Email, Work Address] Due Dates:

Initial Signed Learning Agreement: By 11:59 p.m. MT, Sunday at the end of Week 1
Completed Signed Learning Agreement: By 11:59 p.m. MT, Saturday of Week 8
Student Learning Outcomes:
Course Outcome (CO1): Apply evidence-based leadership skills and concepts in the execution and evaluation of an executive-level practice change project. (PO 4, 5)

Student Identified Practicum Goals to Meet Course Outcomes (Complete in WK1):

Conduct a self-assessment of nurse executive competency.

Goal 1: Develop a comprehensive understanding of nurse executive competency domains.
Plan 1: Review literature and resources on nurse executive competencies.
Plan 2: Seek mentor guidance on self-assessment tools.
Set clear goals and expectations.

Goal 2: Establish measurable and achievable goals for the practicum.
Plan 1: Collaborate with the mentor to define practicum goals.
Plan 2: Align goals with the course syllabus and project requirements.
Navigate the syllabus and necessary course requirements.

Goal 3: Familiarize oneself with the syllabus and course expectations.
Plan 1: Conduct a thorough review of the course syllabus.
Plan 2: Engage in discussions with the mentor regarding course requirements.
Narrative Description of Attainment of Student Identified Goals through the end of CGE 2 (Complete in WK8):
[Provide a detailed narrative describing the progress made toward each goal, including challenges faced and strategies employed. Reflect on how these goals contribute to meeting CO1. Include any modifications to the initial plans and mentor feedback.]


Student Signature: ___________________________ Date: ____________
Mentor Signature: ____________________________ Date: ____________