PS220 Unit 4 Assignment Thinking about physical development throughout the stages
Thinking about physical development throughout the stages
Units 3 and 4 have been devoted to understanding physical development in infancy/toddlerhood, childhood, and adolescence. For this Assignment, please use the Unit 4 Assignment Template to write a descriptive essay describing major trends in physical changes from infancy/toddlerhood, early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence, by focusing on body growth and motor development.
- Provide one detailed example of the two types of physical development for each stage and be sure to cite the textbook information/research findings to support your ideas.
- For each of the four stages explain:
- How heredity (nature) and the environment (nurture) can influence physical growth.
PS220 Unit 4 Assignment Thinking about physical development throughout the stages
Children enhance the meaning of life and help parents to carry on one’s family name and linage. Raising children is the most interesting thing, as it involves various stages of physical and mental development (Berk, 2021). Physical development involves body growth, which is the change in body size and muscles, as well as changes in body proportion and individual and group differences. In this paper, I will look at the physical changes in infancy/toddlerhood, physical changes in early childhood, physical changes in middle childhood, and physical changes in adolescence. This is looking at the motor development in these stages, as well as the impact of nature and nurture (Berk, 2021)………
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