(Answered) PS220 Unit 5 Journal Influence of Screen Time in Infancy/Toddlerhood and Early Childhood

PS220 Unit 5 Journal Influence of Screen Time in Infancy/Toddlerhood and Early Childhood


The Journal allows you the opportunity to reflect on, or think about, various items you will be covering in your class. It gives you a private place to write about your own ideas, experiences, or thoughts on a subject, so that you may explore it on a more personal level.Influence of Screen Time in Infancy/Toddlerhood and Early Childhood

Screen time, the amount of time spent interacting with television, computers, mobile devices, and video games, is a concern for many parents in industrialized nations. “Average screen time increases from 55 minutes per day at 6 months to just under 1 ½ hours per day at age 2” (Berk, 2021, p. 206). The overwhelming majority of young children in the industrialized world (over 90 percent) have access to a television, computer and one or more mobile devices, usually smartphones but also tablets, with access to the Internet (Berk, 2021, p. 342).

In at least 250 words, please respond to the following:

  • Which screen media were you exposed to growing up and at what age did you acquire it/them?
  • What advice would you give the typical U.S. parent about permitting an infant or toddler to watch as much as 1 to 1½ hours of TV or video per day?
  • What are the pros and cons of young children’s (ages 2–6 years) exposure to screen media (television, computers, mobile devices, and video games)?
  • How are cognitive skills such as memorization or critical thinking affected by our ability to gather facts at the click of a button?

PS220 Unit 5 Journal Influence of Screen Time in Infancy/Toddlerhood and Early Childhood Answer

Screens Exposure

As children are being brought up in the recent past, they get exposed to television sets, mobile phones, video games, and computers. Most parents now can offer their children these gadgets. Mostly they are offered to catch up their attention and also open up their mind.

Furthering on my experience with the screens, my parents introduced me to the screens at the age of one year. Mostly the screen gadget I was accessing was the television set. The major reason behind being given access to the TV was to give them time to carry out their duties smoothly. When on the screen, all the mind is set up, and all the concentration will be build up in the gadget………..

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