(Answered) PS220 Unit 7 Journal Effective Parenting

PS220 Unit 7 Journal Effective Parenting


The Journal allows you the opportunity to reflect on, or think about, various items you will be covering in your class. It gives you a private place to write about your own ideas, experiences, or thoughts on a subject, so that you may explore it on a more personal level.Effective Parenting

Almost all mothers and fathers want to be good parents, and we know that many factors contribute to good parenting: personal characteristics of both child and parent, SES, access to extended family and community supports, cultural values and practices, and public policies (Berk, 2021, p. 395?).

In at least 250 words, please respond to the following:

  • How would you classify and describe your parents’ child-rearing styles? What factors might have influenced their approach to parenting? Do you or would you use the same child-rearing style with your own kids? Explain.
  • Research has shown that distinct child-rearing beliefs and practices reflect cultural values. Is the concept of authoritative child-rearing useful for understanding effective parenting across cultures?
  • What advice would you give a first-time parent who is faced with a child-rearing challenge? Are there any specific strategies you would recommend to parents positively?

PS220 Unit 7 Journal Effective Parenting Answer

Effective parenting

            Child’s characters and behaviors reflect on how their parents rear them. If the child was brought up by a careless parent we don’t expect them to grow up in a good way. Kids brought up with effective ways, tend to have a brighter future. Being the person I am today, largely reflects the values of the parents who reared me. Giving their values, starting with justice, the parents were just and gave equal values and attention to all our siblings. Their value of being justice makes me act in a justice way too. Further, having respect for the religion made me grow in a Christianity way which aids a lot in the growth of the child. Honesty is another effective value.

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