SC115 Unit 5 Discussion Plant Based Protein
In our society today, people are looking for alternative ways to eat to help ensure they’re living a healthier lifestyle. One of the popular eating styles is a vegetarian diet which Includes plant based foods for protein. There are many different versions of a vegetarian diet as well as a variety of reasons for choosing this eating style. Have you thought about choosing a vegetarian diet?
Discuss the following in your initial post:
- What is a vegetarian diet? How does it differ from a vegan diet?
- What are the health benefits of vegetarian diets?
- What are some potential concerns of a vegetarian diet?
- Would you ever consider adhering to a vegetarian lifestyle? Why or why not? If you already are a vegetarian, what made you choose this lifestyle?
- What nutritional concerns would you have for a growing teenager if they chose a vegetarian lifestyle?
Take a moment to review the SC115 Discussion Guidelines for additional information on discussion expectations.
In unit 6, your instructor will assign you to a group for the first portion of the written assignment. There is a time deadline that will need to be met by the group so take a few minutes to review the unit 6 assignment to prepare for both your group and individual requirements.
SC115 Unit 5 Discussion Plant Based Protein Answer
A vegetarian diet is based on food that meets vegetarian standards by not including meat and animal tissues products. It contains a wide variety of foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, pulses, nuts, and seeds. A vegan diet is a little stricter as it does not consume any type of meat as well as not consuming dairy milk, dairy cheese, eggs, or any other product derived from an animal………..
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