Greetings Class,
For this assignment, you will need to have read and reviewed the material in the module for Section II. More importantly, you will also need to have read the article by Schreck and Fisher (2004) in the module.
Your task for this assignment is to simply just respond to the questions below.
- How do early theories of victimization distinguish between different types of victims? How might the criminal justice system use these typologies in making decisions about which cases to pursue?
- In what ways do media outlets support or dispel rape myths and victim blaming? How is this related to help-seeking behavior, official reporting, and revictimization?
- How is fear of crime a gendered experience? What factors contribute to the differences in male versus female fear of crime? Do official crime statistics support or dispel the basis for these fear differences?
- How might feminist criminologists critique modern-day victimization theories, such as routine activities theory and lifestyle theory? What does
- How do Schreck and Fisher incorporate ROUTINE ACTIVITIES THEORY into their study of violent victimization and what do they find?
- According to Schreck and Fisher, what is the impact of peers/family on one’s experiences of victimization? Discuss.
Shreck and Fisher Article CRN#22349-202220 Answer
Several theories of victimization have been used over the years with the most familiar theories according to Mallicoat (2018) being the routine activities theory, lifestyle theory, and the feminist pathways perspective. In routine activities theory, for a crime to occur some elements have to work together including an offender with proper motivation, an appropriate target, and absence of supervision. The victims affected by this theory are available and visible and perpetrators have access to them……….
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