Open the assignment Interview Family Genogram
for more detail.
- The major assignment for this course is an interview of a Family and an assessment of Family characteristics which is due in Module 5/Week 5.
- Module 4-1 assignment Genogram information will be summarized and included in your Assignment Module 5-1 Family Health Assessment. Please use your interview family for this assignment.
- Create a Genogram of the family you interviewed.
- This Genogram will include family dynamics, what is important to your family, and a health history.
- Complete and submit your assignment by 2359 Saturday of Module 1.
Create a Genogram of your interview family. This information will be included in your Assignment Module 5-1 Family Health Assessment
- Explore developmental characteristics of the family as a unit across the lifespan.
- Examine health patterns and practices transmitted across generations.
You may use a computer program such as (word, publisher or another program) to draw your genogram. Do not worry about purchasing any new products as you may hand draw the genogram. If you choose to hand draw the genogram it must be very neat. You must use rulers and other tools to make sure it looks great. It must have a key or legend which describes what the shapes and symbols you choose to use mean. Please save as a word, jpg or pdf document for submission to Canvas. If you have any questions please ask your academic coach rather than guess. This will take a while to do so begin early in the week gathering information.
Key Information to include:
- Must include all members from the interview family starting with grandparents down. Must include first names and identifying years (birth, death, marriage, separation, divorce, abortion, miscarriage etc.)
- Must include tracking of family dynamics (Special closeness, distance, hostility, cut-offs, etc.)
- Must include alcohol/drug issues and mental health issues (diagnosis)
- Must include physical health issues (diabetes, obesity, cancer etc)
NOTE: All assignments must be submitted on time. Assignments submitted after the deadline will be accepted up to 48 hours with 5 late points off per day. Assignments will receive a grade of zero after 48 hours.
Review the Rubric to guide your work on the Interview Family Genogram Assignment
2208-NURS-3352-500 Assignment1: Interview Family Genogram Answer
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