(Answered) 2208-NURS-3375-500 Module 4: Assignment

2208-NURS-3375-500 Module 4: Assignment

Safe Harbor

Download the Module 4 Assignment document onto your computer. Type directly onto the document, save your work.

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Submission directions are added to the bottom of the Assignment document.

Submit the “Safe harbor” assignment via Canvas by 2359 Saturday of Module 4.

***Please use a different color font when filling in the Safe Harbor Form***

2208-NURS-3375-500 Module 4: Assignment Answer

On Sunday, August 6th, you arrive to Saint Luke’s Hospital at 7pm for your night shift and clock into the ICU. Maria, the Charge Nurse, approaches you as you are putting your bag in a locker. “Thank goodness you are here”, she says. “You are going to have to take extra patients tonight. I am dealing with 2 nurses who just called in sick. Your assignment tonight will include the septic and stroke patients you had last night, but you also need to take on two more- one with a brain aneurysm and one that is post op major cardiac surgery.” You know that this is an impossible task and would be placing the patients in serious harm. You ask if anyone can float to the floor or if someone can be called in, but no one is available. “This is all on you. I need you to be a team player here,” says Maria. You decide to claim Safe Harbor and find Christine, the Nurse Supervisor, who will invoke the Quick Request form on your behalf?………..

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