(Answered) 2208-NURS-3375-500 Module 5: Assignment

2208-NURS-3375-500 Module 5: Assignment

Reflective Questions and Malpractice

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Submission directions are added to the bottom of the Assignment document.

Submit the the “Reflection Questions and Malpractice” assignment via Canvas by 2359 Saturday of Module 5.

Overview: Reflective Questions and Malpractice

According to the American Nurses Association, Standard 15- “the nurse is required to evaluate his or her own practice in relation to professional practice, standards, guidelines, relevant statutes, rules, regulations, organizational policies, and procedures.” Examples of competencies related to this standard include self-reflection and self-evaluation to identify areas of professional growth. In Part 1 of this assignment, you are asked to reflect on two specific key points for the course. Then, in Part 2, you will read a fictitious scenario and identify pertinent facts that pose risks for malpractice claims. Each year, nurses make themselves vulnerable for potential malpractice claims because they are not well-informed about malpractice elements. It is imperative you understand malpractice rules, regulations and facts to protect your nursing license.

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Performance Objectives:

  • Understand the benefits of reflection in professional practice.
  • Incorporate ANA Standard 15 into the writing assignment.
  • Recognize the importance of BON Rules and Legal protections and its impact on the nursing profession.
  • Synthesis of module topics into professional growth.
  • Malpractice implications for nursing.
  • Apply the four elements of a malpractice claim to specific incidents.

2208-NURS-3375-500 Module 5: Assignment Answer

There are rules and regulations set forth for not only the patient’s safety but the safety of the nurse and their peers. It is imperative we abide by these rules and regulations to the best of our ability for adequate patient care as well as to protect our licenses.  The type of environment I currently work in is not your traditional hospital setting let alone nursing care. I have to not only abide by BON rules and regulations but also jail standards for health services. There is so much to learn and be aware of in this line of work. Always look for guidance on the Texas BON site if you are unaware of the rules and regulations, or to simply use it as a reference for situations that may arise….

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