CE215 Unit 4 Discussion So Many Models to Choose From
CE215 Unit 4 Discussion So Many Models to Choose From
Throughout this course, many opportunities are available to post an initial response to a Discussion topic as well as to respond to your classmates’ responses. After you have completed the reading, and without reviewing your classmates’ responses, post your initial response to the following Discussion. Your post should be at least 200 words in length and should extend the discussion of the group supported by your course materials and/or other appropriate resources. After you have submitted your initial post, review some of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of your classmates. Refer to your Discussion Board Rubric in your Syllabus for specific grading explanation.
So Many Models to Choose From
[SOLVED] CE215 Unit 4 Discussion So Many Models to Choose From After reading the presentations in this unit on the seven curriculum models, choose one model that stood out to you.
Please respond to the following:
Identify your selected model and explain three unique elements as if you were explaining it to interested parents.
Share one activity that parents might see in this model.
Of the six remaining models, what is one element that you would like to incorporate in the model that you selected? Explain why you think this element would be a good addition to your chosen model.
CE215 Unit 4 Discussion So Many Models to Choose From Answer
It was complicated to choose a particular curriculum for this activity as I was not aware of the number of different curriculums available, and all of them are extremely interesting to me. I enjoyed learning about each of them, but I have chosen the Montessori Method for this discussion post for this week. According to this week’s reading material, three unique elements of the Montessori Method are:
- Rewards and punishments are not used: their motivation technique is by using specific wording that shows the child how great they’re working on their virtues and values. (chmsreston2019, September 30, 2020)……………..
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