CE240 Unit 9 Discussion Future of Inclusion
Please respond to the following:
- Based on what you have learned in this course, what do you see as the future of inclusion?
- Explain the points that you think are most critical.
The discussion addresses the following unit outcome:
- Describe the importance of children’s experiences in the inclusive learning environment.
It also addresses the following Course Outcome:
CE240-4: Apply developmentally appropriate practices for young children with special needs using real world experiences.
Points and Rubric
This discussion is worth 30 points. Refer to your Discussion Rubric for specific grading criteria. The deadline for your initial post and additional responses is Tuesday night at 11:59 p.m. ET; however, you must participate over multiple days throughout the unit to earn full credit.
Remember that your goal for discussion is three-fold:
- To participate actively over multiple days throughout the unit.
- To contribute in a way that adds to the discussion and moves it forward in an original fashion.
- To use the course content to inform your posts and responses.
Keep in mind that when you post, you should always reference items you cite — be sure to use APA format for this. Also, be sure to refer back to the rubric as often as you need to during the week. The class is all about sharing knowledge, so use discussions as a way of creating a community resource for yourself and your colleagues.
Return to Unit 9 Discussion page.
CE240 Unit 9 Discussion Future of Inclusion Answer
This class has been extremely informative for me. I am surprised, but also very delighted that I have been able to take away so much new information. I worked in Pediatric Healthcare with children with special needs and multiple different health diagnoses. During my time in that line of work, I felt that I had already gained an immense amount of knowledge, but what this course has taught me is that we are always going to need to continue to learn and educate ourselves and others to better help the children with special needs around us. Inclusion is what encourages us to consider these children and make sure that they are supported and able to develop in the same environment as their typically developing peers.
CE240 Young Children With Special Needs
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