(Answered) CM107 Unit 1 Discussion

CM107 Unit 1 Discussion

Introduce Yourself and Establish your Goals

Introduce Yourself!

Throughout this course, you will have many opportunities to respond to the opinions and comments of your classmates. Take this opportunity to introduce yourself and to learn about each other. Be sure to include your name, location, and something about you that you would like your classmates to know.

The National Association of Colleges and Employers (2020) reports that a majority of employers expect the career professionals they hire to possess effective writing skills.

After completing the Unit 1 Reading and Lab, introduce yourself to your classmates and instructor and define your goals for becoming an even stronger writer in the next 10 weeks so you begin now with preparing yourself for future career success.

Be sure this initial post is at least two paragraphs long and at least 200 words. Aim to post by Saturday of this unit so that you can then focus on responding to classmates and completing other unit assignments. Use the following questions to organize your two or more-paragraph response:

  • Throughout this course, you will have many opportunities to respond to the opinions and comments of your classmates. What can you tell your classmates about you, your life outside of school, your field of study, and your future career plans and dreams?
  • Then, identify your writing strengths and at least one writing concern or weakness you know you want to focus on for improvement this term. Create a plan for addressing your writing concern or weakness. What will you specifically do to make your goal a reality and why will improving your writing skills help you to succeed both as a college student and a future professional in your field of study?

Be sure to include a relevant open-ended question about your writing concerns and goals at the end of your post that helps your classmates to focus on responding effectively to your initial discussion. Be sure to also refer to and credit the unit reading concepts to help validate your ideas and give you practice with using and crediting source information.

Respond to at least two of your classmates’ initial posts. Be sure to address their writing concerns and what you think they might also do to achieve their writing goals. Advance the discussion by asking relevant questions that motivate your classmates to continue the discussion. Each response should be at least 100 words long. Aim to also refer to and credit unit reading material in your posts to help support your ideas.

Continue the discussion by reading and responding to the questions and comments your classmates and instructor offer in response to your initial post. Aim for at least 50 words in each follow up response.

Review a sample discussion post.

Find out how to write effective posts by reviewing the Discussion Rubric.

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CM107 Unit 1 Discussion Answer

My educational goals honestly have been all over the place. I started online college at Central Texas in 2014, and I honestly didn’t know what I was doing. At that time I was trying to get my Associates in Social Work. I completed 5 classes and I never went back. I took a break from college and focused on getting promoted……

CM107 College Composition I

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