CM107 Unit 3 Discussion
Prewriting for the Unit 4 Assignment
In the Unit 3 Discussion Board, you will generate ideas for your Unit 4 Assignment. Doing so will help you begin the writing process early, give you time to make necessary adjustments to your topic, audience, and the main point before you move into the drafting stage in Unit 4, and help you to avoid procrastination. Remember that your goal is to post your initial discussion by Saturday so you can then focus on other tasks due in this unit.
You should begin generating ideas by either listing various problems you have personally faced that is related to your field of study in some way, or even doing a quick Google search to explore possible topics, but keep in mind that your topic must ultimately be on an issue you have personal experience with.
Begin by reviewing the instructions for the Unit 4 Assignment. Keep in mind that your ultimate goal in the Unit 4 Assignment is to help a nonprofessional audience to address a problem they face, a problem you have had your own struggle with and have found a solution to, or at least a successful way of dealing with it.
After identifying some possible topics using the listing or Google search strategies identified above, use the following downloadable chart to generate two to three possible topics, Intended Audiences, and possible writing purposes for your Unit 4 Assignment. After you generate ideas using the chart, in two or more paragraphs, discuss these topic ideas and which one you think you should choose and why.
Then, review instructor and classmate feedback to help you decide which topic will be most effective and appropriate for the upcoming Unit 4 Assignment.
What particular problem could you write about? List two to three (for example, time management or budgeting) | Why is this problem relevant to you? (for example, I struggled with how to do everything, working, raising a family, and taking classes and I got stressed out a lot.) | What is one question you could answer about this topic? (for example, How can a working college student manage their time better?) | Who might benefit from your blog post about the topic? (for example, other college students) | What will you do to develop an answer to the question you are asking or that your audience needs an answer to? (for example, share my experience with time management and how I dealt with the problem) |
Be sure to also include an open-ended question relevant to your topic proposal, one that will help your classmates and instructor help you make wise decisions about your proposed topic. Also, refer to and credit the Unit reading concepts to help validate your ideas and give you practice with using and crediting source information.
Read and respond to at least two of your classmates’ initial posts in at least 100 words each. Be sure to suggest which topic proposal might be more successful and why, as well as suggesting ways to strengthen or clarify the writer’s intended audience, the question to be answered, the main point about the topic, or the plan to make this happen. Be sure to ask engaging questions that motivate your classmates to continue the conversation and to refer to Unit reading material to help validate your ideas and give you practice with using source information.
Read and respond also to questions and suggestions your classmates and your instructor post about your topic proposal. Each follow-up should be at least 50 words long.
Review a sample discussion post.
Find out how to write effective posts by reviewing the Discussion Rubric.
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CM107 Unit 3 Discussion Answer
Why is this problem relevant to you? (for example, I struggled with how to do everything, working, raising a family, and taking classes and I got stressed out a lot.)……
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